Embark on a journey of self-discovery and redemption with “Lucky Them,” a heartfelt indie drama directed by Megan Griffiths and starring Johnny Depp in a memorable supporting role. Set in the vibrant music scene of Seattle, “Lucky Them” follows the story of veteran music journalist Ellie Klug as she embarks on a quest to find a long-lost rock musician who disappeared years ago. With its poignant exploration of friendship, love, and the power of music, “Lucky Them” is a touching and uplifting film that resonates long after the credits roll.
Lucky Them Plot Summary:
Johnny Depp plays Matthew Smith, a reclusive musician who vanished from the public eye after achieving fame and fortune with his band. When Ellie Klug (played by Toni Collette), a music journalist struggling to reignite her career, is assigned to write a feature on Matthew’s mysterious disappearance, she reluctantly teams up with an eccentric filmmaker named Charlie (played by Thomas Haden Church) to track down the elusive rock star. As Ellie and Charlie delve deeper into Matthew’s past and retrace his footsteps across the Pacific Northwest, they uncover secrets, confront their own demons, and discover the true meaning of friendship and redemption.
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Key Information:
- Release Year: 2013
- Director: Megan Griffiths
- Cast: Toni Collette, Thomas Haden Church, Oliver Platt, Johnny Depp
- Runtime: 97 minutes
Trivia and Fun Facts:
- Johnny Depp’s appearance in “Lucky Them” was a surprise to many fans, as his role as Matthew Smith marked a departure from his more high-profile blockbuster roles.
- The film features a standout performance by Toni Collette as Ellie Klug, a music journalist grappling with personal and professional challenges while searching for answers about Matthew’s disappearance.
- “Lucky Them” received positive reviews from critics, who praised its strong performances, well-written screenplay, and authentic portrayal of the Seattle music scene.
- Johnny Depp’s cameo as Matthew Smith was singled out for praise, with critics lauding his understated and nuanced performance as the elusive rock star.
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